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Despre și pentru Ungheni – la Forumul ONU al Primarilor de la Geneva

Primarul municipiului Ungheni, Alexandru Ambros, a participat, în perioada 4-5 aprilie, la Forumul ONU al Primarilor de la Geneva, ediția a II-a, organizat de Departamentul Unitatea de Dezvoltare Urbană, Locuință și Gestionarea Terenurilor din cadrul Comisiei Economice Europene a ONU (UNECE).

În ziua de 4 aprilie, în cadrul sesiunii nr. 2, cu genericul: „Spații publice vibrante, orașe verzi, ecologice – soluții de bază”, dânsul a avut o intervenție, vorbind despre dezvoltarea municipiului Ungheni bazată pe soluții verzi, ecologice; a prezentat trei istorii de succes ale Ungheniului: Parcul „Micul Cluj”, Centrul Cultural Multifuncțional „Regina Maria”și Stadionul Central. Totodată, a vorbit despre viziunea municipalității asupra devoltării de mai departe, astfel ca Ungheniul să devină un oraș inteligent (SMART), cu spații publice vibrante și o populație activă, care se implică.

De notat că acest forum reunește primari din orașele mari din Europa, America de Nord, Asia Centrală și Caucaz. Alexandru Ambros este unicul primar din Republica Moldova, care participă la acest forum.

Mai jos, vedeți alocuțiuinea primarului Alexandru Ambros la Forumul ONU al Primarilor de la Geneva, prezentată în limba engleză. 

„Dear Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Mayors,

I am honored to attend this event and I am glad that it was possible to organize the second Forum of Mayors in these difficult times, with many challenges. The pandemic crisis, and then the armed conflict in Ukraine, affected us all. It is unimaginable, in an age of progress, development of civilizations and innovations, that force and weapon remain a tool used by humans. These difficult times prove once again that unity and goodwill between peoples are the preconditions for a better world. We are firmly convinced that cooperation and discussions based on the exchange of experience are effective mechanisms used by city leaders, states and organizations to ensure a better future for people.

In this context, we could say that Forum of Mayors is indeed a good platform for cooperation. It is definitely a great opportunity for mayors around the world who want to share their experience and learn from the experience of other cities.

Ungheni is one of the main cultural and economic center of the Republic of Moldova, situated at the border with the EU with a population of 34 826 inhabitants. Due to its geographical position, the city is called „the Western Gate of the Republic of Moldova to Europe”. It is a dynamic city with new development perspectives. The economic potential is determined by the presence of a Free Economic Zone. Among the biggest production enterprises, that are considered the visiting card of the city, should be mentioned: production of carpets, production of ceramics, supplier of automotive seating systems, wine and cognac production. In addition, Ungheni is known as a green city thanks to the green spaces, parks and squares we have, and the chestnut alley that stretch for a distance of 3 km.
Besides these advantages of Ungheni, the most valuable resource of the locality are the peoples who live here.  All the efforts for developing our city are done by the people for people.

Achievements: during the last 14 years, Ungheni City Hall in partnership with civil society and other community actors have been implemented more than 200 projects. In this period, we have managed to attract foreign investment worth 15 million of Euro. Not being an EU member state and not having access to structured funds, during this period, we have made colossal efforts to identify funds and implement local development projects.

Being a developing city, the investments have been largely oriented towards the reconstruction of the road, economic and social infrastructure of the locality. The city of Ungheni, like the other cities in the Republic of Moldova, faces a major problem, namely the population migration. Through the implemented projects, we create favorable living conditions and boost economic development, so that the inhabitants of the city choose to stay in Ungheni. Among the main results of urban revitalization projects are:

  • The modernization of Central Park – Through a synergy of several partners’ investments and especially due to the contribution of the twin city Cluj Napoca (Romania), the Central Park of the city has been transformed from a dark and dangerous place into a vibrant and colorful space. Now it is the most beloved place of the inhabitants.
  • The modernization of the Municipal Stadium – in 2018, due to a project financed by European Union were modernized the sport infrastructure of Ungheni City. Thus, we created good conditions for practicing sports for professionals, but also for amateurs.
  • The construction of social infrastructure – in one of suburbs of Ungheni, thanks to the partnership between local and district public authorities and external partners, was rebuilt a Multifunctional Cultural Center. By implementing this project, the social, cultural and educational services for the inhabitants of this peripheral district of the city were diversified. Children, young people and the elderly now benefit from the services of this cultural center. It is a great place for socializing, creation, fitness activities.

Perspectives: One of the main strategic direction of city development is to make it more comfortable and safe for citizens.

  • Now we are implementing the project „Cross-border Environmentally Friendly Transport Development” financed by European Union through the Joint Operational Program Romania-Republic of Moldova 2014 – 2020.
    Within the project will be arranged 20 km of bicycle tracks and we will promote cycling among the population. Also, a green corridor will be arranged along the chestnut alley. It is a route for cyclists, equipped with street furniture and other smart facilities. By implementing this project we will solve some major problems: congestion, reduction of CO2 emissions and strengthening human health.
  • Another ongoing project is „Modernization of public lighting in Ungheni” which will contribute to the efficiency of the street lighting system by installing about 300 new pillars, changing the network of electrical wires, with a length of about 30 kilometers and installing 2680 new lighting fixtures, LED type and with an Intelligent Public Lighting Control System in Ungheni city.
  • In a recent poll in Ungheni, people expressed a preference for vibrant, green and friendly public spaces. The first steps for this were tooken a year ago, by implementing a project for modernization of the city center. The project involves the creation of a pedestrian area in the administrative zone of the city. Thus, on the central square of the city, which has not undergone interventions for more than 30 years, a multicolored music fountain was built. In a short time, street furniture will be installed here and a green area will be arranged for recreational and cultural activities.

Ungheni is one of the pioneers of local development in the Republic of Moldova. However, we still have a lot of work to do to align with European standards. This is about quality public services, decent living conditions, capitalizing on economic potential. To this end, we will continue to strive to attract investment and implement sustainable development projects based on smart and environmentally friendly solutions.

Thank you for your attention and succes for all of us!”.